Climate change has begun to shape everyday life. But there are lots of choices about how we address climate change ourselves which may feel daunting. at Carbon Deli you can explore those choices through art and play. Try your luck at our carbon-cutting puzzle or ponder fictional carbon-offsetting shares Designed by the artist Andrea Morreau. Learn more from our Communicating Climate Risk Toolkit and hear from young entrepreneurs in Uganda on how to cut CO2 in one go. 
Explore the work of Ugandan writer and filmmaker Dilman Dila, who teamed up with UK-based games designer Jo Lindsay Walton and scientist Polina Levontin, to create innovative educational activities about climate action.
 Learn about new technologies such as Negative Emission Technologies (or NETs), which promise to take carbon out of the atmosphere. What are the scientific and economic uncertainties associated with NETs? What might NETs mean for relationships between the developed and the developing world?  Look at the shares for clues:
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